
Charge items are preloaded based on the information provided during system setup and training.

Each charge consists of two rows of charge details. The column headings define the contents of the two rows that represent each charge.

Searching the Charges List

Charge Items are searchable with a type-ahead capability. As you start keying in a word the list will begin populating with matches automatically. When done, click Clear to restore the full list.

Adding Charges

Add new charges to the list by clicking Add Charge to open the Add Charge Item window:

Then enter the following information:

NOTE:  The Reserved field corresponds to box 24J (or 24K in CMS-1500 [12-90]) of your HCFA form. If a value is entered in this field, the 24J value for this specific charge overwrites any other 24J values provided in the ChiroTouch system. To learn more about entering information for box 24J in the ChiroTouch system, Billing Information Dialog Box .

When finished, click the OK button.

Editing Charge Item Amounts and Modifiers

You can edit charge item amounts and charge code modifiers for all fee schedules at once. When you edit the amount or charge code modifier (M1, M2 columns), then click off of that charge item line, you will be prompted to confirm that your changes are updated appropriately in each fee schedule.

If you wish to apply the new values to all fee schedules, click the buttons next to New values (Click to apply) to update them automatically.

If you wish to use different amounts or codes in individual fee schedules, edit the fields in the appropriate columns of each fee schedule. Check the Disallowed box to disallow the charge.

When finished, click the OK button.