Recurring Charges

Recurring charges are similar to care packages, but unlike care packages, recurring charges are time-based rather than visit-based. A recurring charge that posts to the patient’s account ledger eliminates patient responsibility for a set period of time. Recurring charges can be thought of as a recurring package, or membership. You set a predetermined price, and then decide how often to post these charges.

Create a recurring charge

  1. Click the New button in the Recurring Charges screen.
  2. Enter a description in the Description field of the Recurring Charge Details area.
  3. Enter a dollar amount for your recurring charge in the Amount field.
  4. Select the period of time you would like this recurring charge to cover in the Frequency drop-down menu.
  5. Use the Add >> and << Remove buttons between the Available Charges and Charges Covered lists to move charges back and forth and select the charges you would like to have included in this recurring charge.
  6. Click the Save button to save this recurring charge. Your new recurring charge appears in the Recurring Charges list.

Delete a recurring charge

  1. Select the recurring charges you would like to delete from the RecurringCharges list.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. A dialog box appears to verify the deletion. Click Yes to delete.

For instructions on printing and exporting your list of current recurring charges, Printing and Exporting.