Provider's Facility Address

You can use the provider's facility address when adding a new patient. If any of your providers have a different facility address than the one in you Site record, enter this information in the Providers section of the Maintenance application.

Use the provider's facility address when adding a new patient

  1. Log into the ChiroTouch Front Desk application.
  2. Click the Patient Mgmt button.
  3. Select a patient from the list and click the Pat. Info button.
  4. Check the Use Provider's Facility Address box to automatically enter this information.

Use a specific address as the default when adding new patients

  1. Log into the ChiroTouch Front Desk application.
  2. Click the Patient Mgmt button.
  3. Click the Setup button.
  4. In the New Patient Defaults region, choose an option from the Facility Address drop-down menu.