ePay's Single-Account Payment Options
ePay enables the patient to pay their full statement balance, or just a portion of it.
The patient uses this option if they want to pay off the entire balance at once:
If they click Show Details the list expands to show a breakdown of all charges. They click Close Details to collapse the list:
The patient uses this option if they want to pay portions of their balance. They can choose to pay right now for only some charges within the statement:
The following illustration shows one charge selected and the details revealed. Note that the payment amount adjusts automatically:
With this option the patient can pay any dollar amount they like, up to the full amount.
NOTE: Custom payments are applied to the account's ledger on a First In, First Out (FIFO) basis.
It defaults to the full mount, but the patient can edit the amount:
The "Make Payment For" amount adjusts automatically:
Once selections are made, the patient can then review the final amount displayed at "Make a Payment for". Then they click NEXT, which opens the standard payment screen.