Notes Tab

The Notes tab allows you to record notes about this particular patient.

Create a new note

  1. Click the New button.
  2. The current notes turn gray, and the Category, Subject, and content fields clear.
  3. You may choose a category in the Category drop-down menu. You may edit this list of categories in the List Maintenance section of the Maintenance application.
  4. Enter a subject in the Subject field.
  5. Enter your note in the empty note field. Notes may be a maximum character length of 3750 characters.
  6. Click the Save button to save your note.

Delete a current note

  1. Select the note from the Patient’s Notes list.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. A dialog box appears to confirm the deletion. Click the Yes button to close the dialog and confirm the deletion.
IMPORTANT:  The ability to edit or delete notes is dependent upon the particular note editing permissions set up in Maintenance, and whether or not you are the original note author.