Creating Schedule Book Buttons

When first using CT Scheduler, your book buttons will be blank and functionless. As you create your buttons, they will be captioned with titles.

Saving a Customized View

The first step in creating scheduler book buttons is learning how to create a customized view and saving it to a button:

  1. Configure your desired view using the Scheduler's View drop-down menu and selecting from the list of providers or rooms (see Selecting a View).
    • Note that providers and rooms hidden from view will not show as options when creating schedule book buttons.
  2. Click any one of the unassigned schedule book buttons.

  3. A pop-up box appears. Enter a name or description of the view.
  4. Click the OK button. Your work area view has now been assigned to this button.
  5. Repeat the same steps to add custom view layouts to all six buttons in the current group.


Configuring Book Buttons Using the Setup Feature

To easily configure a group's book buttons, use the Setup Books window. To access it, you can right-click on any of the buttons to bring up the global setup screen.

Clicking Setup opens the "Schedule Books" window. It displays all your current schedule books (saved views) and allows you to assign these books to your buttons. You perform this assignment by highlighting it in the list and then clicking the button to which you want the book assigned. You can re-assign buttons within this screen in a similar way.

To learn about the other selections in the dropdown menu, see Modifying a Schedule Book Button.

NOTE:  Schedule books are saved in your list even after you remove its assignment from a button. This way they are stored for later use or for use in a different group, if needed.

Copying Another Provider's Schedule Books

You can click Copy From to copy other providers' books if you wish. In the "Users" window, select the provider and click OK.

In the next "Schedule Books" window you can copy as many of the other provider's schedule books as you need. Select multiple books using CTRL-clicks to add each to your selection list. Then click OK.

When the other providers schedule books are copied over to your list of schedule books, you can assign them to any buttons in any of your groups easily, or save them for later use.

Removing Schedule Books from Your List

You can delete any books you'll no longer need by selecting each and clicking Remove.

Saving Your Schedule Book Button Settings

Once finished configuring the group's book buttons, click Save.