Patient Ledger Notes

Ledger notes may be added when you are viewing the patient ledger, the insurance ledger, outstanding charges, or unbilled charges.

Add a ledger note:

  1. Click the "Pat. Ledger Notes" button or "Ins. Ledger Notes" button.
  1. To enter a new note, click the "New" button. After entering in at least one note, you may select it from the list in the future to apply to other transactions.

  1. Select a Category from the drop-down menu. To edit this list of categories, List Maintenance.
  2. Enter a subject line in the Subject field.
  3. Type your note in the empty note field. You may enter up to 3750 characters. 
IMPORTANT:  The ability to edit or delete notes is dependent upon the particular note editing permissions set up in Maintenance, and whether or not you are the original note author.